Find Peace

Coaching for a Peaceful and Authentic Recovery Life

Go to Linda's site to schedule a coaching session!

Individual and couples guidance and support to help you find balance and peace in your life.

gray stones
gray stones

Learn tools and techniques to gain life skills to allow for a more positive and peaceful recovery!

Join in community to learn how to navigate the chaos and live a centered, fulfilling life.

shallow focus photography of white feather dropping in person's hand
shallow focus photography of white feather dropping in person's hand
people holding shoulders sitting on wall
people holding shoulders sitting on wall

Go to my site to schedule a coaching session!

in flight dove
in flight dove
I am grateful for my sessions with Linda as I always feel heard and valued. With wisdom, encouragement, and gentle nudges, she has helped me navigate a path toward healing that I was fearful to take, sometimes even digging my heels in. Also, I’m appreciative of the invaluable knowledge and resources she has shared with me. Christine S.
Being a listener with highly developed listening skills is so important to Linda's work. Not many people do this well. She is one of the few who do. Carol M.


person lying on brown rock in the middle of green trees
person lying on brown rock in the middle of green trees

About Us

Coaching a Peaceful Life helps individuals, families and couples who are in recovery seek a better way through.
If recovery has not been all that you thought it would be, if you are not as fulfilled or happy or at peace as you imagined you would be, I can help.
I help you to master new skills and meet life goals, while shedding old feelings of feeling lost, worried and finding renewed peace and serenity.
reflection of sunset on beachshore
reflection of sunset on beachshore

Contact Linda!

Go to my site to schedule a coaching session for free!

There is no way to peace...peace is the way.